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Monday, October 31, 2011

JoMaNa Students in Action

Harvesting peppers in the Sherman Garden
JoMaNa students have been working in the Sherman Garden, making connections back to science.  With our garden coordinator, Ginny Hughes, students are given the experience of composting, raking, and harvesting. 
Peppers galore

 Students learned how to use the microscope.  Here, students looked at a variety of things found in the garden:  leaves, insects, parts of vegetables, and soil.  Partner and group work is a very important part of the Jomana Team. 
Harvesting tomatoes for salsa production. 

Ginny giving instruction before harvest!

Weekly Update October 31


  • Thank you for getting your conference slips back to us.  If you haven't had a chance to sign up, please contact us or send a note with your child.  
  • Parent Teacher conferences start the week of November 7th - see you then!

Math:  1) Quiz today.  2)  Special Number project due Thursday

Science:  1) Packets due Tuesday

Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary due Friday  2)  Adventure Project requirements handed out today. 

Social Studies:  1)  Current events due Friday 

Vocabulary Assignments: 1) Sentences 2) ABC order  3) Study


  1. fox
  2. hide
  3. made
  4. ate
  5. dig
  6. size
  7. went
  8. late
  9. sat
  10. his
  11. nut
  12. wet
  13. am
  14. hug
  15. ran
  1. occurred
  2. occurring
  3. staggered
  4. staggering
  5. patrolled
  6. patrolling
  7. scent
  8. their
  9. they're
  10. there
  11. ring
  12. wring
  13. chili
  14. chilly
  15. cent
  1. cinnamon
  2. mayonnaise
  3. commemoration 
  4. questionnaire
  5. penicillin
  6. recollection
  7. interrogation
  8. bilingual
  9. nonchalant
  10. exhilaration
  11. exasperate
  12. whimsically
  13. precipitation
  14. preferably
  15. beguiling

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week of October 24

  • Pictures of JoMaNa students engaged in learning across the school day will be posted in the next few days - stay tuned!
  • Thank you for turning in your Parent-teacher conference slips.  We will be confirming days/times as slips continue to come in. 
  • Reminder that there is no school Thursday or Friday of this week. 
  • First Quarter ends November 7th! 

1) Math:  a) Special Number Project due Wednesday, 10/26  b) Packet due tomorrow 10/25  c) ACE #1-8 page 42 and ACE 16-23 page 43 

2) Language Arts:  a) Vocabulary due on Wednesday  b) Independent Book Report Adventure due on Wednesday, 10/26  c)  Continuing our study on adventurers

3)  Science:  a) Starting study of seeds  b) Students have a seed that they will need to plant tonight at home.  They need to observe it, and bring in on Wednesday, 10/26

4)  Social Studies:  a) Current events due Wednesday  b) Studying Australia - mobile project due Wednesday

Vocabulary Words - 1) Alphabetical order 2) Divide each spelling word into syllables  3) Study!  NO definitions this week. 

  1. bite
  2. late
  3. size
  4. made
  5. side
  6. ate
  7. fine
  8. same
  9. hide
  10. line
  11. give
  12. have
  13. favor
  14. letter
  15. little
  1. answered
  2. answering
  3. decided
  4. deciding
  5. included
  6. including
  7. omitted
  8. omitting
  9. satisfy
  10. satisfied
  11. satisfying
  12. delayed
  13. delaying
  14. remembered
  15. remembering

  1. recommend
  2. different
  3. graffiti
  4. successfully
  5. embarrass
  6. necessary
  7. parallel
  8. accomplishment
  9. approximately
  10. commitment
  11. accommodate
  12. possession
  13. harass
  14. confetti
  15. abbreviation

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekly Update October 17


Look for parent teacher conference notices this week!

Math:  1)  ACE 1-9 page 30  due Tuesday

Language Arts:  1)  Continuing studying about Adventurists.  Reviewed our study about Roz Savage (famous rower), and starting Sir Edmund Hillary.  Assignments were in-class today.  2)  Vocabulary due Friday (words at the bottom of this post).

Reading:  1) Students should continue reading from their adventure book, and working on their Book Report (due October 28th)

Science:  1) Reviewed everything that will be on test, today.  Science test will be covering Cells. 

Social Studies:  1)  Continuing study on Australia.  Mobile is due October 26th - students have been working hard on these creative projects and a few are already done!  They look great!  2)  Current events due Friday.

Vocabulary for Week of October 17  Assignment:  1) Alphabetical order 2) Definitions 3) Study!
  1. reduce
  2. attitude
  3. sewer
  4. review
  5. value
  6. continue
  7. humid
  8. United States
  9. universe
  10. costume
  11. absolutely
  12. assume
  13. renew
  14. viewpoint
  15. interview
  1. not 
  2. box
  3. hot
  4. got
  5. top
  6. pond
  7. doll
  8. your 
  9. people
  10. dot 
  11. cot 
  12. song
  13. long 
  14. pot
  15. some

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekly Update October 10

  • Thank you for submitting book orders!
  • We harvested tomatoes, peppers, and squash while working in the Sherman garden today!

Math:  1) ACE 19-21  2) Special Number Project due Nov 1 - Requirements will be given on Friday.  3) Math Quiz Wed

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday.  Words are at the bottom of this post.  2) Seedfolks project due Wednesday, Oct 12th.  3) Independent reading project has been assigned.  The genre for the month of October is Adventure.  Due October 29th.  4)  2 paragraph writing assignment - Topic (choose 1): a) Describe a dream you remembered, OR b) Describe a movie or book that made an impression on you.

Science:  1) Packet due Thursday, Oct 13 

Social Studies:  1)  Australia project assigned and due Thursday October 26  2)  Current Events due Fri

  1. niece
  2. diesel
  3. grief
  4. yield
  5. retrieve
  6. grieve
  7. believe
  8. friend
  9. fierce
  10. piece
  11. chief
  12. theif
  13. priest
  14. believing
  15. grieving

  1. bite
  2. size
  3. fine
  4. line
  5. hide
  6. give
  7. have
  8. late
  9. made
  10. ate
  11. same
  12. game
  13. date
  14. name
  15. fame

Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Update October 3

JoMaNa Team dress-up day is tomorrow, October 4th.  It always feels good to dress up, and look "professional."  Our past students took pride in this JoMaNa Team tradition. 

MAP Testing will be the week of October 10th.

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday - words at the bottom of this post. 2)  Seedfolks book test is Wednesday, October 5th
3)  Seedfolks project was assigned/handed out last Friday - due Wednesday, October 12th. 

Reading:  1)  New genre for the month of October is Adventure.  Reading project will be due October 28th. 

Math:  1)  Math Packet due Wednesday, October 5th.

Science:  1)  In-class study of microscopes.

Social Studies:  1)  Current Events due Friday  2)  Continuing to learn about Australia. 

Vocabulary Words
(y) List Assignments:  1) Definitions 2) Study the rule, /i/ before /e/ except after /c/ 3)  Put words in alphabetical order 

  1. ceiling
  2. receipt
  3. deceive
  4. field
  5. achieve
  6. belief
  7. brief
  8. relief
  9. apiece
  10. receiver
  11. shield
  12. neighbor
  13. vein
  14. sleigh
  15. weight
(x) List Assignments:  1) Write your words in alphabetical order 2) Write words 3x each 3) Study for the test

  1. wet
  2. fox
  3. nut
  4. leg
  5. fun
  6. job
  7. went
  8. mop
  9. hug
  10. from
  11. any
  12. pedal
  13. this
  14. these
  15. done