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Friday, December 23, 2011

A Late Update and Wish For You

Apologies for the late update, but hopefully Jomana students have kept up with their Assignment planners this week. Thank you for all of your support and concern about your child's progress and growth! We wish you all a restful winter break, and happy holidays!

Social Studies: 1) Work on Public Service Announcement (PSA) project over break. This will be presented on Thursday, January 12th.

Math: 1) Bits and Pieces assessment will be January 10th.

Science: 1) Finished Diversity of Life, will be starting Weather and Water in January.

Language Arts: 1) Finished Food and Water unit, and will be continuing work on Traits of a Writer and Reader in January.

Reading: 1) New Independent Reading Genre project will be given in January.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Weekend Homework

Weekend Homework:

Language Arts: Write notes, list, and brainstorm answers to the Essential Questions. Students wrote the Essential Questions in class today, so these are in their writing notebooks. Due Monday.

Math: ACE #1-2 page 61

Science: Classification project due date has been extended to Dec 21st

Social Studies: MAP test on Thursday. Study your countries!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Jomana Dress Up day

Jomana Dress Up day, a set on Flickr.

Weekly Update December 12

NEWS: Thank you to all the Jomana Students who showed their Jomana team pride on Jomana Dress up day! Pictures will be posted soon . . . Stay tuned to see how students can indeed, look "professional."


Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary due Friday - click here to get the list! 2) Daily Oral Language (DOL) and Essay test on Tuesday, 12/13 3) Continuing our study on Food and Hunger - focus is on the influence of Food advertisements 4) Book report for Non-fiction genre due Wed, 12/14

Reading: 1) Book Report due Wed, 12/14 2) Book for DEAR time every day.

Science: 1) Classification project due Friday, Dec 16th. 2) Science packets due Dec 13th

Social Studies: 1) Study countries - Map test is this Thursday

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Update Homework December 6th

Language Arts: 1) Reading Thin and Thick Questions due tomorrow

Social Studies: 1) KQR chart on carbon emissions due tomorrow

Math: 1) ACE 1-18 due tomorrow

Science: 1) Packets given out today, due December 13th

Reading: 1) Continue to read your genre book, and begin working on your book report due December 14th.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekly Update December 5

NEWS: Progress reports for second quarter will be done this Friday, December 9th. Please make certain your address is updated with the school so you will be sure to receive your child's progress in the mail. Or, you can check in on your child's progress grade through Infinite Campus.

JoMaNa Team Dress-up day is tomorrow!

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary due Friday - words at bottom of list. 2) Family Food Traditions interview due today. 3) Essay focusing on "Voice" is due tomorrow. 4) Continuing our study on Food and Hunger.

Math: 1) Quiz today. 2)

Science: 1) Classification project was assigned and explained today. Project is due Friday, December 16th. Read Kingdom of Life starting on page 65.

Social Studies: 1) Current events due Friday. 2) Study countries on map for map test on Thur. Countries are: Palau, Federal States of Micronesia, Kermandee, and Nauru. 3) Continuing our study on Food and Hunger.

Vocabulary Words Week of Dec 5
Assignments: 1) Know each word in context. 2) Tell what part of speech each word is (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) 3) ABC Order



NO (Z) list this week. CHALLENGE by Choice: 1) reminisce 2) susceptible 3) debtors 4) scenario 5) accompaniment

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Academics in Action Week of November 28, 2011

JoMaNa Students are learning how to think critically by addressing controversial issues. Our current unit is about Food and Hunger. In the set of pictures below, students are shown in groups discussing their viewpoints related to a very specific question concerning drought and famine. Our students quickly learned how to "disagree appropriately," while at the same time, expressing their opinion based on evidence. Enjoy!

JoMaNa Students are engaged in science as we study the Diversity of Life. In the pictures below, they are engaged in a lab investigating cockroaches. This is their third lab studying cockroaches. In this particular activity, they were required to ask "If-Then" questions, based on their facts and information. After the chaos over the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, subsided from the first lab, they are better able to engage in scientific inquiry. We hope you enjoy these photos!

Pictures from Thankful Feast!

JoMaNa Team's 2011 Thankful Feast!  Our students started the program by reading their short essays aloud.  Afterwards, we feasted on the various dishes provided by families and JoMaNa teachers.  We are already looking forward to next year's feast.  Enjoy this slideshow!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Weekly Update November 28

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  Thank you to all parents and family members who attended the JoMaNa Team's Thankful Feast, and who sent food to share.  It was a delicious celebration.

Jomana Dress-up day is next Tuesday, December 8th! 

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary 2) Continuing our study of Food and Hunger.  We focused on the question:  "How does eating locally and seasonally benefit our health and the environment?"  We partnered up and had conversations about this question.  Tonight's homework is to interview an adult by asking the question above, and discuss the question in-depth together.  Submit important points tomorrow.

Math:  1) Part C, D, page 24, ACE #12-23 on page 29.

Science:  1) Watched a film about diversity of life.  2) Took notes in class.

Social Studies: 1) Current events due Friday.  2) Study countries for this week's map test:  Tuvalu, Kiribati, Vanuatau, and New Caledonia

Reading:  1) November and December's Genre is Non-fiction, and the theme is Advocacy and Service.  Students chose the person they will be studying.  Book report is due December 14th.  

Vocabulary Words:  Assignments: 1) Know what each word means by using it in context with someone else ( you do not have to write this down - just talk to someone about the words.) 2) Write the part of speech for each word (verb, noun, adjective).  Some words will have two parts of speech.  3) ABC Order

  1. dishes
  2. boxes
  3. wishes
  4. dresses
  5. beaches
  6. kisses
  7. brushes
  8. classes
  9. after
  10. before
  11. done
  12. pretty
  13. wash
  14. December
  15. since

  1. command
  2. mirror
  3. accomplish
  4. according
  5. allowance
  6. college
  7. address
  8. committee
  9. immediate
  10. barricade
  11. interrupt
  12. collect
  13. afford
  14. possess
  15. announce

  1. reduction
  2. intentions
  3. retention
  4. subscription
  5. electricity
  6. publicity
  7. subtlety
  8. technically 
  9. hospitality
  10. acquisition
  11. cruelty
  12. specially
  13. certainty
  14. description
  15. recognition

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Assignment:  1) Look up words in the dictionary that you do not know/understand.  2) ABC order  3) Draw pictures that represent the word.  4) STUDY

(X) on, am, if, goes, from, his, her, come, does, want, their, there, grown, actually, pounds

(Y) bizzare, cereal, coarse, counsel, discrete, discreet, marshal, martial, interview, patience, patients, preview, serial, viewpoint, course

(Z) argued, aural, benefited, committed, controlled, horrified, mimicked, mimicking, oral, panicked, prophesied, qualified, receive, researched, transferred

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Second Update Week November 16

Language Arts:  1) Food Journal due Friday!  2)  Writing assignment due TOMORROW:  Students have three topics they can choose to write about.  Requirements should be in their writing notebooks. 

Math:  ACE #3-12 page 12-13;  Challenge #27 and 31, pages 16 and 17

Science:  Lab today!  TEST on Friday. 

Social Studies:  Current events due Friday.  Continuing study on Food and Hunger.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week of November 14

Thank you for attending your child's conference.  We appreciate your support! 

Congratulations to our students who attended the NO Referral Breakfast this morning.  This breakfast was in honor of students who have been following rules and expectations, and who have had no behavior referrals. 

We started our integrated unit on Food and Hunger today.  Sherman is also having a food drive, so please consider donating food items that we can donate to the food pantry. 

1) Math:  ACE #1 page 12 OR ACE #24 page 15

2) Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday  2) Bring in a food LABEL - we will be tracking where foods come from.  3)  Started a Food Journal, and will be keeping track of food this whole week.  Students set up their Food Journal in class, and entered in this morning's breakfast.  

3)  Science:  Went over science packet.

4)  Social Studies:  1) Current Events due Friday 2) Maps were handed out today, first map quiz will be Thursday:  Study New Zealand, Australia, Guam, and Papua New Guinea. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week of November 7

Thank you to all parents and students who attended conferences this week.  I hope you felt it was productive and informational.  We care about your child's progress, and want them to succeed.  Have a relaxing weekend! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Update November 3


Math:  Special Number project due tomorrow (Thursday)

Language Arts:  1) First Quarter Reflection essay (4 paragraphs - assignment given in class, with a lot of in-class work time) due tomorrow.  Final needs to be typed or written neatly in blue or black ink. 2) Work on Adventure CUBE - due November 9th.

Science: 1) Went over pages 31-50 in resource books, and had discussion

Social Studies:  1) In-class exploration about the island of Guam.  Students took notes, asked questions, and had discussion.  2) Current events due Friday. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

JoMaNa Students in Action

Harvesting peppers in the Sherman Garden
JoMaNa students have been working in the Sherman Garden, making connections back to science.  With our garden coordinator, Ginny Hughes, students are given the experience of composting, raking, and harvesting. 
Peppers galore

 Students learned how to use the microscope.  Here, students looked at a variety of things found in the garden:  leaves, insects, parts of vegetables, and soil.  Partner and group work is a very important part of the Jomana Team. 
Harvesting tomatoes for salsa production. 

Ginny giving instruction before harvest!

Weekly Update October 31


  • Thank you for getting your conference slips back to us.  If you haven't had a chance to sign up, please contact us or send a note with your child.  
  • Parent Teacher conferences start the week of November 7th - see you then!

Math:  1) Quiz today.  2)  Special Number project due Thursday

Science:  1) Packets due Tuesday

Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary due Friday  2)  Adventure Project requirements handed out today. 

Social Studies:  1)  Current events due Friday 

Vocabulary Assignments: 1) Sentences 2) ABC order  3) Study


  1. fox
  2. hide
  3. made
  4. ate
  5. dig
  6. size
  7. went
  8. late
  9. sat
  10. his
  11. nut
  12. wet
  13. am
  14. hug
  15. ran
  1. occurred
  2. occurring
  3. staggered
  4. staggering
  5. patrolled
  6. patrolling
  7. scent
  8. their
  9. they're
  10. there
  11. ring
  12. wring
  13. chili
  14. chilly
  15. cent
  1. cinnamon
  2. mayonnaise
  3. commemoration 
  4. questionnaire
  5. penicillin
  6. recollection
  7. interrogation
  8. bilingual
  9. nonchalant
  10. exhilaration
  11. exasperate
  12. whimsically
  13. precipitation
  14. preferably
  15. beguiling

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week of October 24

  • Pictures of JoMaNa students engaged in learning across the school day will be posted in the next few days - stay tuned!
  • Thank you for turning in your Parent-teacher conference slips.  We will be confirming days/times as slips continue to come in. 
  • Reminder that there is no school Thursday or Friday of this week. 
  • First Quarter ends November 7th! 

1) Math:  a) Special Number Project due Wednesday, 10/26  b) Packet due tomorrow 10/25  c) ACE #1-8 page 42 and ACE 16-23 page 43 

2) Language Arts:  a) Vocabulary due on Wednesday  b) Independent Book Report Adventure due on Wednesday, 10/26  c)  Continuing our study on adventurers

3)  Science:  a) Starting study of seeds  b) Students have a seed that they will need to plant tonight at home.  They need to observe it, and bring in on Wednesday, 10/26

4)  Social Studies:  a) Current events due Wednesday  b) Studying Australia - mobile project due Wednesday

Vocabulary Words - 1) Alphabetical order 2) Divide each spelling word into syllables  3) Study!  NO definitions this week. 

  1. bite
  2. late
  3. size
  4. made
  5. side
  6. ate
  7. fine
  8. same
  9. hide
  10. line
  11. give
  12. have
  13. favor
  14. letter
  15. little
  1. answered
  2. answering
  3. decided
  4. deciding
  5. included
  6. including
  7. omitted
  8. omitting
  9. satisfy
  10. satisfied
  11. satisfying
  12. delayed
  13. delaying
  14. remembered
  15. remembering

  1. recommend
  2. different
  3. graffiti
  4. successfully
  5. embarrass
  6. necessary
  7. parallel
  8. accomplishment
  9. approximately
  10. commitment
  11. accommodate
  12. possession
  13. harass
  14. confetti
  15. abbreviation

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekly Update October 17


Look for parent teacher conference notices this week!

Math:  1)  ACE 1-9 page 30  due Tuesday

Language Arts:  1)  Continuing studying about Adventurists.  Reviewed our study about Roz Savage (famous rower), and starting Sir Edmund Hillary.  Assignments were in-class today.  2)  Vocabulary due Friday (words at the bottom of this post).

Reading:  1) Students should continue reading from their adventure book, and working on their Book Report (due October 28th)

Science:  1) Reviewed everything that will be on test, today.  Science test will be covering Cells. 

Social Studies:  1)  Continuing study on Australia.  Mobile is due October 26th - students have been working hard on these creative projects and a few are already done!  They look great!  2)  Current events due Friday.

Vocabulary for Week of October 17  Assignment:  1) Alphabetical order 2) Definitions 3) Study!
  1. reduce
  2. attitude
  3. sewer
  4. review
  5. value
  6. continue
  7. humid
  8. United States
  9. universe
  10. costume
  11. absolutely
  12. assume
  13. renew
  14. viewpoint
  15. interview
  1. not 
  2. box
  3. hot
  4. got
  5. top
  6. pond
  7. doll
  8. your 
  9. people
  10. dot 
  11. cot 
  12. song
  13. long 
  14. pot
  15. some

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekly Update October 10

  • Thank you for submitting book orders!
  • We harvested tomatoes, peppers, and squash while working in the Sherman garden today!

Math:  1) ACE 19-21  2) Special Number Project due Nov 1 - Requirements will be given on Friday.  3) Math Quiz Wed

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday.  Words are at the bottom of this post.  2) Seedfolks project due Wednesday, Oct 12th.  3) Independent reading project has been assigned.  The genre for the month of October is Adventure.  Due October 29th.  4)  2 paragraph writing assignment - Topic (choose 1): a) Describe a dream you remembered, OR b) Describe a movie or book that made an impression on you.

Science:  1) Packet due Thursday, Oct 13 

Social Studies:  1)  Australia project assigned and due Thursday October 26  2)  Current Events due Fri

  1. niece
  2. diesel
  3. grief
  4. yield
  5. retrieve
  6. grieve
  7. believe
  8. friend
  9. fierce
  10. piece
  11. chief
  12. theif
  13. priest
  14. believing
  15. grieving

  1. bite
  2. size
  3. fine
  4. line
  5. hide
  6. give
  7. have
  8. late
  9. made
  10. ate
  11. same
  12. game
  13. date
  14. name
  15. fame

Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Update October 3

JoMaNa Team dress-up day is tomorrow, October 4th.  It always feels good to dress up, and look "professional."  Our past students took pride in this JoMaNa Team tradition. 

MAP Testing will be the week of October 10th.

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday - words at the bottom of this post. 2)  Seedfolks book test is Wednesday, October 5th
3)  Seedfolks project was assigned/handed out last Friday - due Wednesday, October 12th. 

Reading:  1)  New genre for the month of October is Adventure.  Reading project will be due October 28th. 

Math:  1)  Math Packet due Wednesday, October 5th.

Science:  1)  In-class study of microscopes.

Social Studies:  1)  Current Events due Friday  2)  Continuing to learn about Australia. 

Vocabulary Words
(y) List Assignments:  1) Definitions 2) Study the rule, /i/ before /e/ except after /c/ 3)  Put words in alphabetical order 

  1. ceiling
  2. receipt
  3. deceive
  4. field
  5. achieve
  6. belief
  7. brief
  8. relief
  9. apiece
  10. receiver
  11. shield
  12. neighbor
  13. vein
  14. sleigh
  15. weight
(x) List Assignments:  1) Write your words in alphabetical order 2) Write words 3x each 3) Study for the test

  1. wet
  2. fox
  3. nut
  4. leg
  5. fun
  6. job
  7. went
  8. mop
  9. hug
  10. from
  11. any
  12. pedal
  13. this
  14. these
  15. done

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Weekly Update September 27

NEWS:  It is time for progress reports.  This is an important time for our students as it tells them how they're doing academically, and how they can improve. 

Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary (list at the bottom of this post) due Friday  2)  Independent Book Reports due Friday, September 30th.  Students are presenting their reports on Friday. 

Reading:  1)  Independent Book Reports due Friday, September 30th.  Students are presenting their reoprts on Friday.  2)  DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) is a part of the Reading grade.  Students need to be bringing a reading book everyday and be productively reading during that time slot.

Math:  1)  ACE #8 page 41 or Challenge ACE #15 page 46.  2)  Test tomorrow - Wednesday

Science:  1)  In-class lab work with microscope today.  2)  Continue studying microscopes. 3) Connection to the Garden.

Social Studies:  1)  Current Events due Friday.  2)  Lattitude/Longitude packet due next Monday, 10/3.
3) Continue studying Australia. 

Vocabulary Words - Assignments:  1) Definitions 2) Descriptive sentences 3)  Write each word 3x each
4) Study
  1. bag
  2. win
  3. is
  4. am
  5. dig
  6. fabric
  7. fan
  8. limit
  9. panther
  10. was
  11. paper
  12. dish
  13. sit
  14. it
  15. never
  1. synonym
  2. homonym
  3. admire
  4. canyon
  5. distance
  6. modern
  7. comedy
  8. husband
  9. clumsy
  10. magnify
  11. decorate
  12. hundredth
  13. injury
  14. property
  15. adequate

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Update September 21


  • Vocabulary words listed at the bottom of this post.  There are two lists labeled (x) and (y).  Unless Ms. Naputi specifically assigned list (x) to particular students.  The majority of students are doing the (y) list.
  • Field trip to UW-Madison on Friday, 9-2:30pm. 
  • Hope to see you at Back to School Night tomorrow!

Language Arts:  1) DOL test today.  2)  2-paragraph essay on "Community" was due today.  Will accept late assignments through tomorrow.

Math:  1) Math packet due Friday. 

Reading:  1)  REMINDER:  Independent reading project (book report) is due Friday, September 30th.

Vocabulary: Choose the (x) or (y) list. Assignments:  1) Definitions 2) Descriptive sentences 3) Write 3x each

  1. my
  2. off
  3. any
  4. the
  5. will
  6. as
  7. have 
  8. was
  9. said
  10. you
  11. they
  12. it 
  13. piece
  14. might
  15. peace
  1. poetry
  2. beautiful
  3. thirteen
  4. tongue
  5. pieces
  6. neighborhood
  7. thousand
  8. through
  9. unusual
  10. building
  11. license
  12. remodel
  13. grateful
  14. enemy
  15. instrument

Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekly Update September 19

Back to School Night is Thursday, September 22 - 5pm to 6pm in team classrooms.  6-7pm is Family Fun Night!

Tardy policy was sent home today.  Detentions will be given to students with 3 or more tardies.  First detention will start next Wednesday September 28, 2;40-3:20pm.

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday; Test on Friday.  2)  Will start drafting book report tomorrow, so please bring independent reading book to class.  3) DOL test on Wednesday (based on in-class instruction and learning; independent 1-2 paragraph essay).

Reading:  1)  Seedfolks in class.  2)  Please work on Independent Reading Project at home.

Math: 1) Starting Stem and Leaf Plots Tuesday.  2)  Math re-take quiz will be Wednesday during class.  3) Expect homework every night this week. 

Science: 1)  Test on Tuesday - Living and Non-Living things.  2)  Packet was due Monday (today)

Social Studies: 1)  Current Events due Friday  2)  Continuing in class work on Australia and Oceania.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Update September 15, 2011

NEWS: Parents and Guardians:  Please continue to monitor and communicate with your child through their Assignment Notebook (planners).  Feel free to contact us via email if you would like an update on your child's performance.  6th grade is a major adjustment and while many students are getting in the routine, they still need some guidance regarding materials and organization.  Thank you for all of your support.

Go to School Night is next Thursday September 22 5-6pm.  Family Fun Night is also that night, beginning at 6pm. See you there!


Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary spelling and definitions test on Friday (EVERY Friday)  2) Continued reading Seedfolks in class.  3)  Homework:  Fill in brainstorm about "What is My Symbol?"  in Writing Notebooks.

Math:  1)  First test.  2)  Review sheet in class - students should study for test tonight by reviewing their in-class work. 

Science:  1)  Continuing observations of mini-ponds in class.  2)  Packet is due on MONDAY September 19th.  Lots of in-class time, but students should be reviewing this at home.  3)  First science test is Tuesday, September 20th. 

Social Studies:  1)  Current events due Friday (EVERY Friday).  2)  Australia - in class work.

Reading:  1)  Continue to read the book chosen for the Independent Reading Project, which is a book report.  Genre is fiction and the theme is Adolescence.  We will be writing drafts in class so students have a guided experience of the expectations and requirements. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week of September 12

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend!  We typically update the blog on Mondays, and we try to post up-to-date information later in the week.  Please feel free to contact us via email if you would like an update on how your son/daughter are doing in class.

  • Homework Club and Youth Resource Center starts today. 
Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary list (students had time to work on it in class, but should be working on this all through the week.) List is at the bottom of this post. Test on spelling and definitions will be Friday.  Vocab homework due Friday.   2)  Seedfolks - took notes in class.  3)  All School Literacy in-class today. 

Reading:   1)  Independent reading project assigned on Friday. 

Math:  1)  Worksheet started in-class.  If it wasn't completed, it is homework due Tuesday.

Science:  1) Created mini-ponds in groups today. 

Social Studies:  1)  Current events due on Friday. 

Vocabulary Week of September 12
Assignments are: 1)  Look up each word in the dictionary, and learn it.  2) Write each work 3x each 3) Descriptive words 
  1. important
  2. importance
  3. comparison
  4. organization
  5. character
  6. categorical
  7. numerical
  8. distribution
  9. current event
  10. geography
  11. Didgeridoo
  12. safety
  13. electrical
  14. laboratory
  15. resource book

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Update September 8

NEWS:  More and more parent essays, "In a Million Words or Less," have been turned in this week.  We really appreciate learning more about your child.  Not only do we have a great group of students, but we have a great group of parents, too.  So, thank you!

Thank you to our JoMaNa students who have volunteered to be peer helpers.  Your support is noticeable and appreciated. 

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday; Test Friday (words are at the bottom of this post). 2) "The Important Thing About Me . . . " poem is due tomorrow - this is the rough draft, edited.  Final will be written in class tomorrow.

Reading:  1)  Continuing Seedfolks as a class.  2)  Ms. Conklin gave a book talk today.  Students will be given their Independent Reading Project requirement sheet tomorrow.  The genre of the month is Fiction, and the theme is Identity/Adolescence.  Students will be choosing their book, and will have 3+ weeks to complete the Independent Reading Project. 

Math:  1)  Blue worksheet due Friday.

Science:  1) In-class work in lab book.  Unit is Diversity of Life.  Starting with Characteristics of Life.

Social Studies: 1)  Current events due Friday.  2)  Given Interactive Notebooks for the study of Australia and Oceania.  This notebook will stay in class. 

Vocabulary Words to study (spelling and definitions)
1. traits
2. conventions
3. diversity
4. community
5. identity
6. mean
7. median
8. mode
9. statistics
10. Australia
11. indigenous
12. Oceania
13. Ms. Jorgensen
14. Ms. Matson
15. Ms. Naputi

Assignment: 1) Definitions 2) Write descriptive sentences 3) Write words 3x each

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekly Update September 6, 2011

NEWS:  Students have their planners - please make certain a parent/guardian is reviewing assignments listed in your planner.  This is an important communication tool.  Parent signatures or initials are required daily. 

Middle school is a great time to learn organizational skills.  JoMaNa teachers stress the importance of consistent organization for each subject.  

Thank you parents for taking the time to write a personal essay about your child.  We enjoyed reading the essays we received today, and look forward to hearing from the rest of you.  Thank you again!  


Language Arts:  1)  Reading Seedfolks as a class.  Took notes in-class.  2)  Vocabulary words were given out for the week.  Due on Friday, test on spelling and definitions will be Friday. 

Math:  1)  Worksheet due Wednesday.  2)  Finish Part C, page 8 in Data About Us book.

Science:  1)  Students were given science resource books, and will receive lab books this week.  2)  Safety talk and worksheet were done in class. 

Social Studies: 1)  Finish Hand Collage.  2)  Current events assignment explained today - due every Friday. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Great Start as a Sixth Grader!

Thank you for sending such engaging and attentive students to the Jomana Team.  You should all feel proud that they are making successful a transition to middle school.  Here are some things to remember for Tuesday, September 6th.

----> JOMANA Team dress-up day is every first Tuesday of the month.  September 6th is the first one.  In the past, we have had students come in a suit and tie, dresses, skirts, or just an outfit that is *Different* from what they would normally wear to every day school.  Please come dressed up to show your Jomana Team pride on Tuesday!

----> Students received their school planners.  This is an effective tool for keeping students organized, and parents informed.  Please sign their planner every day.  Later in the year, parent signatures will be fazed out as students become more responsible.  Thank you for your support.

1)  Language Arts:  a)  Students wrote a Writing Warm-up in class.  b)  Students started reading the book, Seedfolks, and took notes in their notebooks, in-class.  c)  Homework for Parents/Guardians:  "In a million words or less, tell us about your child . . . "  Due next Friday, Sept 9th. 

2)  Math:  a) Students started Investigation 1 in the new math book, Data About Us.  b)  Homework is to find the average name length of family members.  Students wrote instructions in the homework section of their math binders.  c)  Students set up math binders - ALL students are required to have a math binder. 

Have a great long weekend!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome JOMANA Team 2011-12

Welcome to all new sixth graders!  We especially want to welcome the students on the JOMANA team.  We are looking forward to a year of learning and building community.  Check back here frequently for updates on assignments and news.  We will see you Thursday, September 1! 

Your JOMANA Teachers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vocabulary Words

ACADEMICS:  Since this is a short week, students were given a class period, plus additional study time in-class for their vocabulary.  We quizzed them orally on the words today.  Study! 
  1. rhyme
  2. rhythm
  3. crescent
  4. adolescent
  5. conscious
  6. foreign
  7. cologne
  8. raspberry
  9. asthma
  10. vehicle
  11. rhinoceros
  12. fluorescent
  13. reign
  14. afghan
  15. psychology
  16. psychiatrist
  17. pneumonia
  18. heirloom
  19. shepherd
  20. rhinestone
  1. rhapsody
  2. acquiesce
  3. arraignment
  4. pseudonym
  5. graham cracker

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weekly Update June 1


Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary is due early this week (by Thursday) as students were given sufficient time in class to work on it.  2)  Media Influences Final Essay Test Tuesday  3)  In-class writing assignments

Math:  1) Independent assignment for What do You Expect - "Design a Game" project pages 61-62.  2)  In-class work

Social Studies: 1)  Current events  2)  Apartheid stamp project in-class

Science:  1)  Science Fair  2)  Turn in lab books - Many student still have not done this yet. 

Reading:  1)  Book review/or Letter to the author of Ninth Ward due Thur  2)  SRI test given this week

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly Update May 23

  • Look for an updated blog post after our trip to University of Wisconsin-Madison today. We are going to be sharing our NOLA experiences.
  • CHOW field trip is Wednesday. 
  • Did you catch us in the news


Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary due on Friday. Words are listed below. 2) Media Influences: In-class response to the podcast/video on beauty pageants and how it relates to Body Image. 3) Essay test on Media Influences Friday.

Math: 1) Continuing the book, What Do You Expect? Homework tonight is a worksheet, must do page 146, other side (page 147) is a challenge side. Due tomorrow (Tuesday).

Science: 1) Continuing observations on Milkweed bugs. Make certain you keep up with your lab books. 2) Keep working on Science Fair projects.

Social Studies: 1) Current events due Wednesday. 2) Cornell Notes due Tuesday on pages 472-477.

Reading: 1) We will start reading and delivering speeches this week. 2) Poetry booklets were great!

  1. deodorant
  2. decrease
  3. discontinue
  4. disrespect
  5. nonviolent
  6. nonstop
  7. nonfiction
  8. unbreakable
  9. undefeated
  10. unfortunately
  11. dehydrate
  12. decline
  13. disability
  14. disgraceful
  15. discourage
  16. nonexistent
  17. nonprofit
  18. unemployment
  19. unconscious
  20. unpredictable

  1. dehumidifier
  2. disenchanted
  3. nonessential
  4. businesslike
  5. determine

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mid-week update May 18

Permission slips for the CHOW fieldtrip May 25 was due today with the $3. As we told the students, no more will be accepted. No exceptions.

Permission slips for the fieldtrip to the UW to present our NOLA project is due Friday. No late slips will be accepted.

Thank you for all your support as we strive to help your child become independent and responsible.

Math: Quiz on Tuesday, no homework assigned Tue or Wed.

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary - we went over the definitions to this week's words. As you can see, the words all have to do with movement or transactions, so students really need to study as the definitions are subtly different. 2) Independent Genre project due today - grade for writing was given.

Reading: 1) Independent Genre project due today - students were assessed on their knowledge/demonstration of Literary Devices, and ability to read/interpret texts for understanding. Students were also given a grade in Oral Language for their actual presentation. Poetry presentations were enjoyable!

Social Studies: 1) Response/Research paper on NOLA due Thursday. 2) Current events due Friday. 3) Africa CONTINENT test is Friday, May 20.

Science: 1) Students worked in groups on their Ecoscenario project. Presentations will be given May 26th. 2) Lab Books need to be filled in as you observe the Milkweed bugs. 3) Test on Pop and Ecosystems is Thursday, May 19.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Updated Weekly Assignments 5/16


If you haven't read last week's blog entry, it features Joseph Gardner's views on Service Learning to NOLA, and a few pictures. There is also a way to access the invitation to our upcoming presentation at the UW-Madison.

20 days until the end of the school year, and only three Mondays left!

There is still plenty of academic learning left in the 20 days, so please stay focused and driven to do your best.

Math: 1) From What Do You Expect book: ACE#11-13, page 13; #23-28, page 17; 2) 1st quiz from this book will be tomorrow.

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary due Friday. Words listed below. *NOTE: More than 1/2 of the Jomana students performed proficiently on last week's test. There is a new assignment for students who need to perform to proficient standards. Due tomorrow. 2) Independent Genre project is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 17th. No late projects will be accepted. 3) Media influences study will continue.

Reading: 1) Independent Genre project due tomorrow - this project will be assessed for Writing and Reading comprehension.

Science: 1) Read pages 6-21 resource book, and do pages 21-26 in lab book. 2) Populations and Ecosystems test on Investigations 1-5, plus the science packet and Mono Lake video - THURSDAY, May 19th. 2) Science Fair storyboard due May 27th. Science Fair is June 2nd.

Social Studies: 1) Response/Research paper is due Thursday, May 19th. All of this has been done in-class. 2) Africa Continent Test Friday May 20th. Students were given practice sheets last week. 3) Current events due Friday, May 20th.

Vocabulary Words - Definitions, Sentences, Write words 3x each
1. immovable
2. emotion
3. locomotion
4. mobile
5. submit
6. missile
7. dismissal
8. procedure
9. intercede

1. promotional
2. missionary
3. commissary
4. antecedent
5. accessible

Friday, May 13, 2011

A View from the Home Front

We’ve been home for 9 days now, and we haven’t let up.   Ask any Jomana student what’s happening in the classroom now, and in their own words, they will tell you that it’s business as usual on the Home Front.  Two-thirds of the class reported to school on Friday, a day and a half after our return from NOLA, and were greeted with their usual academic core:  Writing assignments (poetry), podcasts (an interview with a poet on the HBO series, “Treme”), science lab (we made habitats for milkweed bugs), a math review (studying linear equations), and social studies (requirements were given for a Response/Research paper on NOLA).  Nothing less for the Jomana team! 

It really felt good to return to Madison greeted with so much enthusiasm and pride in our students.  Thank you for all of your feedback!  It was especially meaningful to know that you followed us on our blog and on our Facebook page.  To have support from the Home Front helped us stay connected.  We needed your bit of news, your cheering from afar, and your comments to help us stay grounded on our trip.  It was a great feeling!  On the day we boarded the bus to come home, we knew how important it would be to process and reflect upon our experience, as well as to ask the question, “What next?”

It is still a looming question to all of our Jomana students, and to us as well.  As expected, most “want to go back to NOLA to be more helpful.”  Several would like to return as early as next summer to be a part of a service learning project for the Lower 9th Ward Community Village, run by the influential Mr. McClendon, aka “Mr. Mack.”   One student, perhaps one who stands out to us because of the significant changes we saw in her through this school year in terms of her insight and academic progress, said it best:  “If I do anything more, one thing I’d do next is find ways to keep on giving.  Give to New Orleans, to Madison, to Sherman . . . “ 

Giving back right here on the Home Front.   That is our greatest hope – to help students find projects right here in Madison where they can keep on serving.   As we move forward, students are still defining for themselves what service means and how they will continue it.  We can help, but we are also hopeful that this trip will lead them into the world of service independent of us. After all, they initiated this Epic Education to New Orleans, and with some guidance, we are confident many will continue to lead.

Students are continuing to process the experience daily and we have a ton of pictures and videos that we are still sifting through.  An upcoming event is an invitation from the UW-Madison  where our students will be discussing their learning experiences before, during, and after New Orleans.  We would love to see you there!  Click here for more information.

Finally, we’ll leave you with a video and a few pictures to keep the spirit of service-learning alive.  

Writing in service-learning journals at the Make it Right site
Chantelle and Kayla putting together RIF literacy kits

A sampling of New Orleans food:  fried alligator, which our students were courageous enough to try!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Update May 11


1) Language Arts: 1)  Poetry assignments due tomorrow:  a) Short biography of the poet you're studying, 1-2 paragraph; b)  Keep working on your poetry booklet - must include Haiku, Bio poem, Name poem, and Diamond poem.

2)  Math:  ACE #1-2, page 10; #19 page 15; #'s 14-18 pages 14-15. 

3)  Science packet due TODAY. 

4)  Social Studies:  Rough draft for NOLA response paper due TODAY.  We are starting to type our papers this week. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

More Information for Week of May 9 - Social Studies


1)  Friday 5/20 will be the ENTIRE continent of Africa map quiz. You have plenty of time to study and if you have been studying all along you should do fine.

2)  Turn in any late work from your Africa novel- that will be a large part of your 4th quarter grade.

3) Today we are introducing a response/research paper re: New Orleans. That will be due Thursday 5/19. You will receive the requirements today in-class.  The MAJORITY of this paper will be done in class, so please plan to attend school every day so you maximize your time.

We're Back!

Weekly News and Academic Update Week of May 9th

NEWS:  We're back, and so thankful for our experience.  Stay tuned for more updates from our students about New Orleans.  Upcoming blog post:  Specific student experiences related to NOLA, videos, and pictures.  Thank you once again for all of your support!

Math:  1) Linear Equations test Tuesday (tomorrow) 5/10.  Review today - just about everything that was reviewed in today's math class will be on the test tomorrow.  Study!  2)  Start a new math book on Wednesday.

Language Arts: 1)  We listened to a podcast related to Treme today - students wrote a reflection.  2)  Vocabulary due Fri, test Fri. (below) 3)  We will continue our study on Media Influences this week. 

Science:  1)  Students made milkweed bug habitats last Friday.  Continuing to make daily observations of the milkweed bugs into lab book.  2)  Science Fair projects

Social Studies:  1)  Current events due Wednesday  2)  Map Test Friday 5/19  Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, South Africa, Zimbabwe

Reading: 1)  Independent Genre Project (POETRY) due date has been EXTENDED to May 17th.  2)  Name poem is due TOMORROW.  I made additional copies of the project requirements for students - many said they lost theirs. 


  1. completely
  2. believe
  3. weirdest
  4. beige
  5. through
  6. thirtieth
  7. experiment
  8. perfume
  9. doesn't
  10. decision
  11. politely
  12. fierce
  13. briefcase
  14. sleigh
  15. lieutenant
  16. maneuver
  17. recruit
  18. biscuit
  19. gauge
  20. preserve

  1. unyielding
  2. beguiling
  3. beauteous
  4. precipitation
  5. preferably

Thursday, May 5, 2011

If We Could

Jomana students love New Orleans 

Many of us are not ready to leave New Orleans, but our time has come to an end and we've loaded the bus and are on our way back to Madison.  There's still so many things we want to see and do.  If we could stay longer, we would . . . 

Build houses
Go back to the site of Make It Right, where Brad Pitt is building homes in the Lower 9th Ward
Go to Congo Square to see all the activities and shops
See street musicians
Check out Mardi Gras celebration
Paint a house in the affected area
Teach kids
Make murals
Help people all around make arts and crafts
Be a part of the 9th Ward Community Village
Help get the New Orleans Six Flags re-opened.
We love our Northside neighborhood like the Lower 9th Ward loves theirs.

All of these are fresh on our minds so it's good to brainstorm ideas.  It is more likely to happen if we spend time thinking about our goals that we met, and ones still out there.  Many of us want to go back to New Orleans, but we also know there is service to be done in our own home town.  

The bus ride seems to be going by much faster, maybe because we already know the route and we're stopping less.  Also, when we left Madison, we had a lot of stuff to look forward to and couldn't wait to get to New Orleans.  Now that we've done our service project and tours, we're returning back to the same 'ol life. 

To get Life in Madison to feel "new" again to us, lets perform service in our home town.  One of the goals of our project was to take the lessons we learned from NOLA, and apply it back to Madison.  We want to give back.   Service in our own city of Madison could be things like . . .

Reach out to other schools to help build a garden like ours
Start more community centers to keep kids out of trouble, especially in the North side
Be a part of building houses for others
Put together reading kits for kids 
Volunteer to coach or mentor young kids in sports
Help in the food pantry
Do arts and crafts in senior center homes.
Creating a garden was one of our service projects

We have learned how to appreciate, and we could also still learn how to give more, instead of always taking.  It would be cool to celebrate our history in Madison like New Orleans does.  They take pride in their history, and it seems like we can make our city more alive if we knew its history and loved its culture.  Speaking for all the Jomana students, we can say that we all love New Orleans!  

Like yesterday's post, we ended with a video with Tia telling us why our trip was an Epic Education.  Here is Vaughn's perspective on our Epic Education.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Epic Education II

Our third day in New Orleans was packed.  After a routine like breakfast, we set out for the French Quarter by way of the street car.  It wasn't difficult to take, and they seem to run all of the time.  It is definitely different from riding public buses in Madison. 

Our first job of the day was to accomplish a task list for the Scavenger Hunt in the French Quarter.  Imagine being brand new to a city and expected to find very particular things on the list.  For example, we had to find a New Orleans fire station, a major waterway, and Exchange Alley, among other things.  We are used to asking strangers for directions so we were brave and asked strangers questions like, "Where is Jackson Square?"  "What do you like best about New Orleans?"  "Where is the local fire station?"  This was a great way to tour the French Quarter and make connections to images and references from the classroom. 

We spent a good amount of time in the French Quarter.  One highlight was getting to try Beignets (a fried donut) for the first time.  Ms. Prout spent the day with us - we may have mentioned that she is very special to the Jomana Team.  She followed our project when during our initial fund-raising efforts and we were so lucky that we had a local as one of our guides on our trip.  Ms. Prout started each day with us and always had something positive to contribute.  She is encouraging all of us to return every two years:  14 to volunteer for the Kaboom playground projects, at 16 to volunteer service to build homes, and at 18 to go to college at one of the universities we got to see - either Tulane or Xavier.  It was a tearful parting, but we really hope Ms. Prout comes to Madison so we can return the adventure back to her and show her our beautiful city! 

After the French Quarter, we went to John Lafitte National Historical Preserve where we got to witness New Orleans' ecosystem, and the wildlife and habitat.  Of course our main goal was to see alligators and snakes, but we were also there to find out why swamps are important as a valuable part of nature in Louisiana.  We saw quite a few alligators so that was very exciting!  They pop up out of nowhere and even though they move quickly, these were pretty slow so we got to observe and examine them as we walked along the boardwalk.  One group saw several snakes native to Louisiana, birds, frogs, and turtles.  It was a great way to spend the day and get to experience both the city life and the wild-life.
See the gator?   

And speaking of alligators, the restaurant, "Mulate's" served them fried.  A few of our students were adventurous and ordered a platter.  They said it tasted great - "just like chicken," no lie.  This restaurant served Cajun food - everything from fried oysters, crab, chicken, catfish, and shrimp, to pasta with traditional Cajun seasoning.  It was our chance to try Cajun food and even dance to a band that played square dancing music.  It was a great way to spend our final night in New Orleans - most of us dressed up, a few of us were bold and tried new things, and mainly, we got to spend more quality time with our friends. 

It's our final night in New Orleans and we are pretty sure none of us want it to end.  Tonight we packed our luggage and cleaned the Hands On Volunteer house so we could just roll out of bed, brush our teeth, and head onto the bus.  Our journey isn't quite over - there are many people to thank, a lot to reflect upon, more things to learn, and of course, lots more fun times with our friends on that long bus ride back to Madison.  Yesterday we titled our post, "Epic Education," and said we'd be interviewing students to see if this fits their description of the trip.  We'll leave you with one now, and plan to share more in the days to come. 

In case this video doesn't work here, try this link:
And don't forget to check out our FB page - it's been updated with photos from today.  Thanks for being there for us! 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Epic Education

Today was one "Epic Education."  We have met so many people - a number who have supported us from the beginning of our project, so it's been really fun to actually meet them in person.

Ms. Prout - she is one of our donors who contributed a large amount of money through Donors Choose, making us all realize that people care about us, even when they don't know us personally.  She is from NOLA, and traveled with us all day today - she is really special.  She'll be with us tomorrow, but one thing we learned about her, is that she was a former teacher and she volunteers for Kaboom!  Kaboom is an organization that builds playgrounds.  Stay tuned for pictures and her involvement with us tomorrow.  

Another person with great influence is Ms. Massey.  We learned so much from her, and her energy really made us feel great.  Thanks to her knowledge, we saw a bunch of sights, including the: 
Superdome from a distance  
Fats Dominos house
MLK school - the only one rebuilt in the Lower 9th Ward 
Xavier College 
Congo Square
French Quarter
Mississippi River
Lower 9th Ward 

We also met Mr. "Mack," the executive director of the Lower 9th Ward Community Village - a center he hopes to build to its fullest complete with computers, books, tutoring opportunities, meeting spaces, and entertainment.  He was inspiring, telling us three lessons:  1) Do everything in our power to protect your light, 2) Make your job never feel like it's a job, and 3) When you find your purpose, I guarantee you that if it's service, you will be happy.  Mr. Mack told us that he's really jealous of us because we are getting to volunteer and do service now, and it took him a lifetime and a disaster to learn how to care.  When he shared his story with us, he told us that he personally things it's going to flood again.  He said he learned that he will leave for the storm, but that he will ALWAYS come back to the Lower 9th Ward.   Mr. Mack is back in his community, but not back in his house.  He was amazing to spend so much time with us.  

Ms. Perry helped us understand the true impact a disaster has on a person.  Her home is across the street from the Lower 9th Ward Village, and she chose to rebuild instead of move out of the Lower 9th Ward after the Flood.  She had only lived in the 9th Ward for three months when Hurricane Katrina hit.  She was so great to explain the Make it Right Foundation to us, giving us a sense of what it is like for residents to return to the Lower 9th Ward and accept that their house will be rebuilt, but not in the way it once was.  She traveled with us throughout the day too.  

After lunch, we went to the Sara T. Reed High School.  The Americorp volunteers were ready for us.  They gave us a brief orientation to help us assemble the Literacy Kits, and reviewed the plan for the garden.  Sara T. Reed is a high school with many challenges, including only 20% of the students are at grade level for academics.  In addition to this, many of the students are young mothers, so they are faced with many demands related to being a teenager still in high school.  Our work went pretty fast, especially the Literacy Kits.  It's hard to believe we accomplished two small mini projects in a day.   One thing that happened was we used our skills from the Sherman Garden to help plant theirs, and we brought a trellis, stepping stones, and garden tools to help them start their garden.  We planted marigolds, petunias, peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, cantalope, basil, okra, rosemary, celery, and many other things that they will be able to pick and eat and use right away.  We felt pretty satisfied.  
We built a fence
This ground was just dirt when we arrived.  It looks so pretty now. 

 We ended our day at City Park - it's huge, 1300 acres, and the sixth largest park in the United States. It's amazing to see it so beautiful, since the Flood really damaged it, and it was at one time under water.
Ask any one of us, and I think we will all agree that today was - in Torshia Lee's words, "An Epic Education."  Tomorrow we will interview other kids to ask them why they think our New Orleans trip fits this description.  Until then, thank you for your support!  

PS:  Follow us on our Facebook page:  New Orleans Service Learning Project.  

We Arrived New Orleans

New Orleans welcomes the Jomana students!  The boys described our bus trip as:

big weather change
pouring rain for hours

After stops at McDonalds, Taco Bell/KFC, and Iron Skillet for our meals, we arrived New Orleans at 11:40pm.  Greeted by Sara Massey, president of Communities in Schools in New Orleans, it was a long-awaited arrival, not to mention a tiring one.  One can only imagine the chatter, laughter, practical jokes our students engaged in.  There was also a lot of music, movies, reading, and EATING.  We challenged and encouraged students to make healthy choices.  By the time we got to Iron Skillet for dinner, most of them chose a salad for dinner. 

Jomana students took a break from movies and typical interactions for a 30 minute lesson about the Lower Ninth Ward.  We discussed a sign that said:  

Shame on you.  Driving by without stopping.  
Paying to see my pain.  1,600+ died here.   
Joshua reported that he had mixed emotions about the sign.  He felt sad and empathetic, while at the same time, he understands that tourists are out to see the sights.  And, the Lower Ninth Ward was a devastation everyone wants to see. 

For most of them, the St Louis arch, Mississippi River, Lake Pontchartrain were new sights.  Crossing state lines from Wisconsin to Illinois, then Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, and finally, New Orleans - it was a novel thing for everyone. 

Students are holding up well.  They are thinking about their families in Madison, wishing everyone were here.  Now we are getting ready for an agenda that will be packed.  First is a tour of New Orleans with our dedicated locals, Ms. Perry and Ms. Massey.  We are looking forward to meeting Ms. Prout, our amazing friend who has followed our project from the beginning.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vocabulary Week of April 25

  1. consideration
  2. communication
  3. punctuation
  4. unbelievable
  5. misunderstanding
  6. competitive 
  7. encyclopedia
  8. emergency
  9. reusable
  10. calculator
  11. untrustworthy
  12. unpleasant
  13. condominium
  14. untidiness
  15. ravioli
  16. disagreeable
  17. exaggeration
  18. uncontrollable
  19. decaffeinated
  20. instantaneously

Challenge (will be tested on Challenge too, since five of the above words were already given in the past)
  1. inappropriately
  2. nonnegotiable
  3. nondiscriminatory
  4. intimidated
  5. mispronunciation

Week of Final Preparations for NEW ORLEANS!


Finalizing the details for our service learning trip to New Orleans.  We are so excited!

A packet of information that includes a waiver form, supply list, description of the volunteer housing went home today.  We would appreciate it if all of the required forms be returned ASAP.  No student will be allowed to board the bus without these forms.

Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary (list below) 2) Haiku related to New Orleans or the Flood due Tuesday
Math:  1)  Point of intersection in-class, due tomorrow
Science:  1) Watched "Among the Wild Chimpanzees" - students analyzed community living.  In-class.
Social Studies:  1) Computer lab to view CNN videos about Katrina.  Writing assignment along with the viewing of the videos. 
Reading:  1)  Work on Independent Reading Genre - we practiced writing Haikus today in class. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekly Update 4/11

Spring Break is just a few days away! 
Our Service Learning project to New Orleans is quickly approaching - we are really excited.


Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary due Friday.  Vocabulary retake for last week's list will be on Wednesday.  Many students did not perform well on it, so they will be given a second opportunity to improve.  2)  Writing assignment given today - Rough draft due tomorrow.  Topic:  Media Influences  3)  Vocabulary for this week is at the bottom of this post.

Math:  Slope worksheet due tomorrow.

Science:  Complete pages 88-89 in lab book.

Social Studies:  1) Mini project due tomorrow.  2)  Map test on Friday.  3)  Slavery test on Thursday.

Reading:  1)  Genre project due May 10th.  Requirements were given out yesterday.  Students will receive poetry books this week. 

Vocabulary Words

  1. vision
  2. supervision
  3. revise
  4. prediction
  5. contradict
  6. suspect
  7. spectator
  8. auditorium
  9. audio-visual
  10. audit
  11. visible
  12. provision
  13. dictation
  14. verdict
  15. dictator
  16. spectacle
  17. inspector
  18. spectacular
  19. audible
  20. audition
1.  visibility
2.  valedictorian
3.  introspection
4.  prospective
5.  inaudible