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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Weekly Update September 27

NEWS:  It is time for progress reports.  This is an important time for our students as it tells them how they're doing academically, and how they can improve. 

Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary (list at the bottom of this post) due Friday  2)  Independent Book Reports due Friday, September 30th.  Students are presenting their reports on Friday. 

Reading:  1)  Independent Book Reports due Friday, September 30th.  Students are presenting their reoprts on Friday.  2)  DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) is a part of the Reading grade.  Students need to be bringing a reading book everyday and be productively reading during that time slot.

Math:  1)  ACE #8 page 41 or Challenge ACE #15 page 46.  2)  Test tomorrow - Wednesday

Science:  1)  In-class lab work with microscope today.  2)  Continue studying microscopes. 3) Connection to the Garden.

Social Studies:  1)  Current Events due Friday.  2)  Lattitude/Longitude packet due next Monday, 10/3.
3) Continue studying Australia. 

Vocabulary Words - Assignments:  1) Definitions 2) Descriptive sentences 3)  Write each word 3x each
4) Study
  1. bag
  2. win
  3. is
  4. am
  5. dig
  6. fabric
  7. fan
  8. limit
  9. panther
  10. was
  11. paper
  12. dish
  13. sit
  14. it
  15. never
  1. synonym
  2. homonym
  3. admire
  4. canyon
  5. distance
  6. modern
  7. comedy
  8. husband
  9. clumsy
  10. magnify
  11. decorate
  12. hundredth
  13. injury
  14. property
  15. adequate

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Update September 21


  • Vocabulary words listed at the bottom of this post.  There are two lists labeled (x) and (y).  Unless Ms. Naputi specifically assigned list (x) to particular students.  The majority of students are doing the (y) list.
  • Field trip to UW-Madison on Friday, 9-2:30pm. 
  • Hope to see you at Back to School Night tomorrow!

Language Arts:  1) DOL test today.  2)  2-paragraph essay on "Community" was due today.  Will accept late assignments through tomorrow.

Math:  1) Math packet due Friday. 

Reading:  1)  REMINDER:  Independent reading project (book report) is due Friday, September 30th.

Vocabulary: Choose the (x) or (y) list. Assignments:  1) Definitions 2) Descriptive sentences 3) Write 3x each

  1. my
  2. off
  3. any
  4. the
  5. will
  6. as
  7. have 
  8. was
  9. said
  10. you
  11. they
  12. it 
  13. piece
  14. might
  15. peace
  1. poetry
  2. beautiful
  3. thirteen
  4. tongue
  5. pieces
  6. neighborhood
  7. thousand
  8. through
  9. unusual
  10. building
  11. license
  12. remodel
  13. grateful
  14. enemy
  15. instrument

Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekly Update September 19

Back to School Night is Thursday, September 22 - 5pm to 6pm in team classrooms.  6-7pm is Family Fun Night!

Tardy policy was sent home today.  Detentions will be given to students with 3 or more tardies.  First detention will start next Wednesday September 28, 2;40-3:20pm.

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday; Test on Friday.  2)  Will start drafting book report tomorrow, so please bring independent reading book to class.  3) DOL test on Wednesday (based on in-class instruction and learning; independent 1-2 paragraph essay).

Reading:  1)  Seedfolks in class.  2)  Please work on Independent Reading Project at home.

Math: 1) Starting Stem and Leaf Plots Tuesday.  2)  Math re-take quiz will be Wednesday during class.  3) Expect homework every night this week. 

Science: 1)  Test on Tuesday - Living and Non-Living things.  2)  Packet was due Monday (today)

Social Studies: 1)  Current Events due Friday  2)  Continuing in class work on Australia and Oceania.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Update September 15, 2011

NEWS: Parents and Guardians:  Please continue to monitor and communicate with your child through their Assignment Notebook (planners).  Feel free to contact us via email if you would like an update on your child's performance.  6th grade is a major adjustment and while many students are getting in the routine, they still need some guidance regarding materials and organization.  Thank you for all of your support.

Go to School Night is next Thursday September 22 5-6pm.  Family Fun Night is also that night, beginning at 6pm. See you there!


Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary spelling and definitions test on Friday (EVERY Friday)  2) Continued reading Seedfolks in class.  3)  Homework:  Fill in brainstorm about "What is My Symbol?"  in Writing Notebooks.

Math:  1)  First test.  2)  Review sheet in class - students should study for test tonight by reviewing their in-class work. 

Science:  1)  Continuing observations of mini-ponds in class.  2)  Packet is due on MONDAY September 19th.  Lots of in-class time, but students should be reviewing this at home.  3)  First science test is Tuesday, September 20th. 

Social Studies:  1)  Current events due Friday (EVERY Friday).  2)  Australia - in class work.

Reading:  1)  Continue to read the book chosen for the Independent Reading Project, which is a book report.  Genre is fiction and the theme is Adolescence.  We will be writing drafts in class so students have a guided experience of the expectations and requirements. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week of September 12

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend!  We typically update the blog on Mondays, and we try to post up-to-date information later in the week.  Please feel free to contact us via email if you would like an update on how your son/daughter are doing in class.

  • Homework Club and Youth Resource Center starts today. 
Language Arts:  1)  Vocabulary list (students had time to work on it in class, but should be working on this all through the week.) List is at the bottom of this post. Test on spelling and definitions will be Friday.  Vocab homework due Friday.   2)  Seedfolks - took notes in class.  3)  All School Literacy in-class today. 

Reading:   1)  Independent reading project assigned on Friday. 

Math:  1)  Worksheet started in-class.  If it wasn't completed, it is homework due Tuesday.

Science:  1) Created mini-ponds in groups today. 

Social Studies:  1)  Current events due on Friday. 

Vocabulary Week of September 12
Assignments are: 1)  Look up each word in the dictionary, and learn it.  2) Write each work 3x each 3) Descriptive words 
  1. important
  2. importance
  3. comparison
  4. organization
  5. character
  6. categorical
  7. numerical
  8. distribution
  9. current event
  10. geography
  11. Didgeridoo
  12. safety
  13. electrical
  14. laboratory
  15. resource book

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Update September 8

NEWS:  More and more parent essays, "In a Million Words or Less," have been turned in this week.  We really appreciate learning more about your child.  Not only do we have a great group of students, but we have a great group of parents, too.  So, thank you!

Thank you to our JoMaNa students who have volunteered to be peer helpers.  Your support is noticeable and appreciated. 

Language Arts:  1) Vocabulary due Friday; Test Friday (words are at the bottom of this post). 2) "The Important Thing About Me . . . " poem is due tomorrow - this is the rough draft, edited.  Final will be written in class tomorrow.

Reading:  1)  Continuing Seedfolks as a class.  2)  Ms. Conklin gave a book talk today.  Students will be given their Independent Reading Project requirement sheet tomorrow.  The genre of the month is Fiction, and the theme is Identity/Adolescence.  Students will be choosing their book, and will have 3+ weeks to complete the Independent Reading Project. 

Math:  1)  Blue worksheet due Friday.

Science:  1) In-class work in lab book.  Unit is Diversity of Life.  Starting with Characteristics of Life.

Social Studies: 1)  Current events due Friday.  2)  Given Interactive Notebooks for the study of Australia and Oceania.  This notebook will stay in class. 

Vocabulary Words to study (spelling and definitions)
1. traits
2. conventions
3. diversity
4. community
5. identity
6. mean
7. median
8. mode
9. statistics
10. Australia
11. indigenous
12. Oceania
13. Ms. Jorgensen
14. Ms. Matson
15. Ms. Naputi

Assignment: 1) Definitions 2) Write descriptive sentences 3) Write words 3x each

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekly Update September 6, 2011

NEWS:  Students have their planners - please make certain a parent/guardian is reviewing assignments listed in your planner.  This is an important communication tool.  Parent signatures or initials are required daily. 

Middle school is a great time to learn organizational skills.  JoMaNa teachers stress the importance of consistent organization for each subject.  

Thank you parents for taking the time to write a personal essay about your child.  We enjoyed reading the essays we received today, and look forward to hearing from the rest of you.  Thank you again!  


Language Arts:  1)  Reading Seedfolks as a class.  Took notes in-class.  2)  Vocabulary words were given out for the week.  Due on Friday, test on spelling and definitions will be Friday. 

Math:  1)  Worksheet due Wednesday.  2)  Finish Part C, page 8 in Data About Us book.

Science:  1)  Students were given science resource books, and will receive lab books this week.  2)  Safety talk and worksheet were done in class. 

Social Studies: 1)  Finish Hand Collage.  2)  Current events assignment explained today - due every Friday. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Great Start as a Sixth Grader!

Thank you for sending such engaging and attentive students to the Jomana Team.  You should all feel proud that they are making successful a transition to middle school.  Here are some things to remember for Tuesday, September 6th.

----> JOMANA Team dress-up day is every first Tuesday of the month.  September 6th is the first one.  In the past, we have had students come in a suit and tie, dresses, skirts, or just an outfit that is *Different* from what they would normally wear to every day school.  Please come dressed up to show your Jomana Team pride on Tuesday!

----> Students received their school planners.  This is an effective tool for keeping students organized, and parents informed.  Please sign their planner every day.  Later in the year, parent signatures will be fazed out as students become more responsible.  Thank you for your support.

1)  Language Arts:  a)  Students wrote a Writing Warm-up in class.  b)  Students started reading the book, Seedfolks, and took notes in their notebooks, in-class.  c)  Homework for Parents/Guardians:  "In a million words or less, tell us about your child . . . "  Due next Friday, Sept 9th. 

2)  Math:  a) Students started Investigation 1 in the new math book, Data About Us.  b)  Homework is to find the average name length of family members.  Students wrote instructions in the homework section of their math binders.  c)  Students set up math binders - ALL students are required to have a math binder. 

Have a great long weekend!