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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weekly Update April 24

 - Permission slips for the Badger spring football game has been distributed. Tickets are limited so this is a first come, first serve event on April 28.

 - Permission slips for the Milwaukee Museum fieldtrip and the JoMaNa Team lock-in has been handed out, and should be turned in as soon as possible.

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary test on Friday. Click here for the list. 2) Continuing our study on Happiness. Reflection questions due Wednesday. 3)Interviews for documentary should be completed this week. 4) Essay and prefixes/roots test on Thursday.

Reading: 1) Loser and Gutsy Girls characterization sheet due Friday. 2) Books need to be finished by Monday, April 30th. Quiz and short essay test for both books on Wednesday, May 2nd.

Math: 1) Finished Bits and Pieces III - students are required to turn in books. 2) Will get new book today: Covering and Surroundings.

Science: 1) Starting Force and Motion in-class and out of class activities. 2) Continue to work on science fair projects.

Social Studies: 1) Current Events due Fri 2) Buddhism word search due Fri 3) Fifth political article due Thursday

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weekly Update April 16


We've been talking to our students about 4th quarter expectations and our Milwaukee Field trip/Lock-In (May 24).

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary - click here for the list
2) Short essay on Happiness - requirements are here. 3) Notes and practice using roots

Math: 1) ACE 2 and 3 on page 55; 2) In-class Investigation 4.2 - complete all. ACE 4 and 5 on page 55.

Science: 1) Continue working on science fair project 2) In-class work on Force and Motion

Social Studies: 1) Current events due Fri 2) Continuing study on World Religions and Happiness 3) Color sheet of deity and crossword puzzle on Hinduism due Thursday

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Weekly Update April 11


Welcome back from spring break! Here's to a productive quarter.

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary - click here for the list 2) Continuing study on Happiness research - students have been taking notes and participating in group discussion

Reading: 1) Continue reading from your book, either Loser or Gutsy Girls. Fill out characterization sheet. This is due April 26th.

Math: 1) ACE 27 page 45 2) Division worksheet due now

Social Studies: 1) Current events due Fri 2)Political current events due Thursday 3) Started World religions and happiness

Science: 1) Continue to work on your science fair project.