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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week of January 30


No After School classes for the JoMaNa Team.
No school on Friday.

Math: ACE 1,2,3 page 25

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary link 2) Started a mini-unit on WAR STORIES. Will be focusing on our next writing trait: Ideas and Content 3) Writing Essay Assignment due on Wednesday - Choose from one of the topics and write a 3-paragraph essay focusing on Ideas and Content, and Word Choice. Topics from which to choose are: 1) An amazing thing I've seen . . . 2) Secrets, or 3) Something people don't know about me is . . .

Science: 1) Focusing on Weather and Water. Presentations are Feb 17th. Group work today.

Social Studies: 1) Current events due Thursday 2) Started Ancient Civilizations in-class

Reading: 1) Next independent reading genre is Mystery/Suspense/Horror - students chose books and will be checked out this week.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Update January 23


1) Pictures from the anti-bullying SOARS conference will be posted soon. Stay tuned!

2) Early release at 11:40am, this Friday.

3) No school on Friday, February 3rd, due to parent teacher conferences (invitational). We will be scheduling these this week so if we need to have one with your child, we will be contacting you.

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary due Friday - click here for vocabulary words 2) Procedural writing (recipes) in-class work, and assigned homework Tue, which will be due Wednesday.

Math: 1) ACE 28-30 page 11

Science: 1) Weather and Water projects due Thursday Feb 2.

Social Studies: 1) Current events due Thursday this week. 2) In-class work on weather in the Pacific Islands.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weekly Update January 18

NEWS: SOARS conference is this Friday - this means that all students will be participating in an in-school conference that focuses on bullying and positive interactions.


Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary due on Friday. You can find the link by clicking here: vocabulary list
2) In-class assignments on Word Choice

Math: 1) Set of problems due on Thursday.

Science: 1) Weather and Water project assigned with partners. In-class work on it today.

Social Studies: 1) Current Events due Friday.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Vocabulary Week of 1/9

Whoops! We accidentally omitted this week's list when we updated our blog. You can find the list by clicking here!

While you're at it, you should remember that you have the following work due tomorrow:

1) Social Studies - read article and complete KQR
2) Science - read pages 3-7, answer questions in lab book

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Public Service Announcement Projects by Our Students

Here is a sample of just some of the creative work that students are doing in Social Studies. They created Public Service Announcements (PSA's) to demonstrate their understanding about climate change in the arctic region. Below are a few videos created by some of our talented JoMaNa students. Enjoy!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Update January 9, 2012

Happy New Year to everyone! We hope you had a restful break.

Language Arts: 1) Vocabulary 2) Quick-Write assignment in class.
Math: 1) Unit test on Wednesday 2) No homework tonight or Tuesday
Science: 1) Starting a new unit on Weather and Water
Social Studies: 1) Current events due Fri 2) PSA project due Thur
Reading: 1) Finishing up Peace, Locomotion (in-class read)